Return to Realpolitik?
Unfortunately, the article below by Richard Herzinger is only available in German. The google translation does not do it justice. It is a good summary about "Realpolitik" and why we should not be nostalgic to return to it. Also interesting is the quote from another German columnist: "Under Bush [W], the country pursued a radical, near revolutionary foreign policy. . ."
I find it interesting that finally commentators acknowledge the revolutionary aspect of Bush's post 9/11 foreign policy, which for years was lambasted as reactionary. I for one, agree that it was indeed revolutionary, and I am sad to see that the trend is going back to a more traditional foreign policy.
The “Realists” seem to be gaining ground. Even though I have problem with that term. I believe that most “Realists” are Realpolitikers, and there is a difference between political Realism and Realpolitik. I think, Hans Morgenthau, having seen the results of Realpolitik first hand, would agree.
English Translation: />
Cost of War and Peace III
Now that an early withdrawal from Iraq is on the table, the comparison to Vietnam is gaining legitimacy. In the minds of many ending the Vietnam War through withdrawal of American troops was the morally right thing to do because it brought peace. Ergo, withdrawing from Iraq is the right thing to do.
Peace, however, has a prize as well. According to R.J. Rummel (Death by Government), 2,932,000.00 people died in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia as the result of war and democide between 1954 and 1972. In the post-war area, between 1975 and 1987, 4,157,000.00 died as a result of democide and local wars. That means during the Indochina and Vietnam War about 140,000 people a year were killed, but in the post-war area roughly 346,000 people a year. Peace, it appears, can be deadly.