Friday, October 13, 2006
  The Human Costs of War and Peace
An Exhibit at the Anne Frank Memorial in Boise, Idaho tries to show the human cost of war.


That this was done at a memorial to Anne Frank, made me think. Would Anne Frank still be alive if France had declared war against Germany in 1936 over the Rheinland? Or if England had declared war in 1938 over the Sudentenland Crisis? Of if the US had joined World War II two years earlier?
That war results in death is a no-brainer, and should not need a reminder. Only fools should think that it does not. However, other fools also make the opposite mistake. Not going to war, may also have a human cost.
How many lives were destroyed before NATO intervened in Yugoslavia? How many were killed while the West engaged Saddam and tried to make him "our bastard.?" The choice between "war and peace" is rarely a choice between taking lives and saving lives, it is more often than not a trade off between lives.
We also need reminders of the human costs of not standing up and fighting injustice and tyranny. The short tragic life of Anne Frank has always been just such a reminder to me.
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