Tuesday, October 10, 2006
  Nukes don't kill people, Governments do!
North Korea may have exploded the biggest fertilizer truck bomb in history or maybe it actually did manage to explode a nuke. The world is upset. We need sanctions, we need more negotiations, we need ...? What should the response be? Nobody seems really to know.
Nuclear non-proliferation does not work. The Bomb, the nuclear one that is, is not the problem. Japan could put one together over the weekend. Switzerland or Sweden could probably built one if they just put their minds to it. Hey, Brazil has nuclear technology, with which they could build a nuke. However, the world is not worried about Japan, Switzerland, Brazil or Sweden developing or having nukes. It is worried about North Korea and Iran. Distinguishing characteristics? Lunatics running the asylum. It is the government stupid!
A nuclear bomb is only a metal box with some weird rocks in it until somebody pulls the trigger. The decision to pull is made by a government.
Our response to North Korea (and Iran for that matter) should be simple. You can have your bomb, or your regime, but not both. No sanctions, no negotiations, but regime change. The bomb will not make your regime more secure, but less. Go ahead, bomb away. We will just change your regime.
Yeah, I know regime changes is easier said then done. However, the whole concept of non-proliferation has been relying to much on the tool, not on those that make use of the tool. We can not stop nuclear knowledge. This is a hopeless task. The knowledge is out their. And people can and will acquire that knowledge. We have to focus on those that could make use of that knowledge. That is why we should focus on regime change.
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